PA Law
Laws relating to pets can change, we do our best to keep the most up-to-date information here on our site but we recommend verifying.
If you are in need of legal assistance regarding your pet, please seek out appropriate legal counsel. Our page provides general information and is not advisement.
In the state of Pennsylvania, pets are considered property. Dogs must be licensed when they reach 3 months of age. Dogs & Cats are required to have rabies vaccinations.
State employee available M-F day time hours
Funded by tax dollars/ revenue from licenses
Responsible for:
Stray dogs​
Dog licensing issues
Current rabies vaccines
Aggressive animal concerns
Nuisance issues
Dangerous dogs
Licensed kennel conditions
It is important to note, that once a Dog Warden is contacted, they are required by law to pick up the animal. The dog will be taken to the nearest stray hold facility with an opening which in some cases could be a couple counties away
Employed by an animal welfare organization
Funded by donations
Responsible for:
Investigate animal cruelty, neglect, abuse, and dog fighting
Animals living in unsafe or unhealthy conditions
Abandoned animals
Injured and sick animals that have no other source of help
If you suspect animal abuse and would like to report it, you should contact your local humane society police officer or local police station. In the absence of local police, contact the Pennsylvania State Police
​If you suspect someone is fighting dogs call the national tip line at 1-877-TIP-HSUS. If a dog fight is in progress immediately call 911
​To report a puppy mill, call 1-877-MILL-TIP
Helpful links:
State of Pennsylvania Dog Law Complaint Form
Humane PA's information on Libre's Law